How to Choose the Right Sealcoating for Your Asphalt Driveway

Rochester NY Sealcoating protects a driveway or parking lot from elements that can damage the surface, including oil and chemical spills. It also fills in small cracks and makes the surface look brand new.


The ideal time to sealcoat is in late spring and fall. This is because the process requires temperatures above 50 degrees and no rain for 24 hours afterward.

Asphalt emulsion sealcoat is an environmentally friendly and low-cost option. This type of sealcoat has a long lifespan and can improve the appearance of your parking lot or commercial property. However, there are several factors to consider before choosing this type of asphalt sealcoat for your business.

Asphalt sealcoat is comprised of two primary ingredients: asphalt and water. The water in the asphalt emulsion helps to keep the other ingredients together and bind them to each other. It also allows the emulsion to spread more easily. In addition to the asphalt and water, asphalt emulsion also contains additives. These include polymers, fillers, anti-stripping agents, and others. These additives serve a variety of functions, such as drying the asphalt emulsion fast, altering sand suspension, increasing flexibility, and providing salt and petrochemical resistance.

There are a number of different types of asphalt emulsions available on the market, and each has its own unique characteristics. The setting time and aggregate size that can be used with each type of emulsion are key variables to consider when selecting an asphalt sealcoat for your commercial property. The first letter of an emulsion’s name designates its setting time, while the following letters indicate its aggregate size range. For example, SS-1h indicates a slow setting emulsion that can be used with coarse aggregates while a SS-2h indicates a faster setting emulsion that can be used for finer aggregates.

Coal tar emulsions are another type of asphalt sealer that can be used on your property. Coal tar has a longer lifespan than asphalt-based products, but it is more expensive and less environmentally friendly. In addition, it has a strong odor that can be unpleasant for those who work or live nearby.

Many producers have begun to offer alternative asphalt sealers that use different types of materials, including ceramics. According to Joe Conwell, vice president of sales for Neyra Industries, these materials allow contractors to continue their normal business operations while adjusting to coal tar shortages. He says these alternatives also provide options for the future if the industry’s supply of coal tar becomes too limited to continue production.


Oil-based sealers are a traditional choice for asphalt surface protection. They are made up of emulsions containing coal and tar or asphalt suspended within a water-based solution. The result is a more robust bond with the asphalt surface, providing enhanced durability and longevity for your driveway. They also excel in their ability to penetrate the asphalt surface, strengthening the bond and reducing the vulnerability of your driveway to weathering and damage. The disadvantage of oil-based sealers is their high Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content, which can be a drawback for those who prioritize eco-conscious practices.

They are also known to emit a strong, unpleasant odour during application, which can last up to a week. Additionally, oil-based sealants are more likely to stain surfaces that come into contact with them, such as concrete and masonry.

As a result, they are not ideal for use on sidewalks, driveways and other areas where people will be walking or driving over them. Additionally, if applied incorrectly, oil-based sealants can leave behind a slick finish that poses slip and fall risks, especially in wet conditions.

Lastly, oil-based sealers require more time to dry and cure than their water-based counterparts. Therefore, they must be applied during the spring and summer when temperatures are warmer. This helps to ensure the asphalt is dry enough to accept the new sealant, as well as allow for a smoother, more even application process.

For these reasons, we do not recommend using oil-based sealants on commercial properties. While they are a great option for residential driveways, they’re not appropriate for the high traffic and rigorous wear-and-tear that is often seen on commercial properties.

Whether you’re looking to improve your residential driveway or enhance the appearance of your commercial parking lot, Hallman Asphalt is here to help. Our professional team is highly experienced in all types of sealcoating, including both oil-based and water-based options. We can help you determine which type of sealcoat is best for your property and then guide you through the entire process, from preparation to completion. Contact us today to get started!

Fast Dry

If you need to get your asphalt sealed and cured quickly, a fast-drying product might be the best option for you. These sealers contain textile fibers that speed up the drying and curing process, which means your surface will be able to handle traffic much sooner than it would with a regular asphalt sealant mix. This type of sealant is also designed to be more waterproof, which will help prevent water damage and other problems down the line.

The key to a successful sealcoating project is proper application. A professional paving company will make sure that the coating is applied evenly and thick enough. In addition, they will monitor the weather conditions during the sealing process and take measures to adjust the schedule if necessary. This includes assessing if a surface needs additional coverage, depending on the amount of rainfall, sun exposure and other factors.

In general, it takes about seven days for a new asphalt surface to dry completely after sealcoating. The asphalt may feel dry to the touch after a few hours, but it’s important to wait until the curing process is complete before using the surface. If you drive on a wet sealcoat, it can ruin the appearance and lead to premature failure of the surface.

Whether you choose an oil-based or asphalt emulsion sealer, it’s best to apply the first coat when temperatures are above 70 degrees with low humidity and bright sunlight. This will produce the quickest results.

If you are looking for a way to speed up the drying process, you can use an additive called STAR MACRO-FAST. This is a polymer-based, latex-based additive that works well with both refined tar and asphalt emulsion products. It does not affect the viscosity of the sealer, but it will cut dry times by up to 50%. It is especially useful for situations where you must return to a parking lot after it has been sealed and the ambient conditions are unfavorable for a normal cure time.

Another way to reduce the amount of time it takes for a newly-sealed surface to dry is to use a special additive called A-625 FAST DRY. This is a highly-recommended additive that works well with both tire rubber modified surfaces and asphalt emulsion sealers. It speeds up the dry time of the surface, and it also helps to improve tensile strength, flexibility and resistance to oil, gasoline and chemicals.


Acrylic sealcoating is a type of seal coat that is typically used for specialized applications like sports courts, jogging paths and bike lanes. Its biggest pro is that it offers superior longevity and resistance to fading from the sun’s UV rays. It is also a more environmentally friendly option than the petroleum-based tars.

The main drawback of this type of seal coating is that it requires specific environmental conditions to dry. It cannot be too hot or too cold and the humidity level needs to be low. Additionally, rain can’t fall within 24 hours after application or it will wash away the new layer. Additionally, vehicles should not be on the newly sealed surface for up to 24 hours after application as well.

Depending on the type of sealcoat that is used, there may be a need to add various additives. However, the use of these additives must be done carefully and with a thorough understanding of their properties and overall contribution to the sealcoat’s longevity. The addition of too much water or sand/aggregate will negatively impact the thickness, durability and skid resistance of the dry film.

All sealcoating jobs require the proper PPE (personal protective equipment). Workers should wear rubber gloves, safety glasses and a mask to avoid contact with the carcinogenic materials that are often present in these types of materials. These toxins can be ingested or inhaled, which can cause cancer and other long-term health issues.

It is also important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for spraying and drying times as well as applying multiple layers. Properly layering the asphalt can help extend the lifespan of a sealcoat. As with all coatings, regular maintenance is required to keep the asphalt looking its best and performing at its optimal level. The best way to maintain an asphalt driveway or parking lot is to perform routine sealcoating every 5-10 years. With the right products and proper installation, the lifespan of an asphalt driveway or parking lot can be extended significantly. This will save money in the long run and help keep the property looking its best.

The Importance of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Best Accident Lawyer In Maryland can help you recover lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. They can also pursue uninsured motorist coverage.


Evaluate the lawyer’s experience and track record. Look for client testimonials and reviews.

They handle the complexities of handling an insurance claim, sparing you from stressful interactions with the other driver’s insurer.

One of the most important aspects of car accident cases is acquiring evidence. Whether it’s photographic and video proof, eyewitness statements or medical records, evidence can be used to build a strong case that proves fault for your injuries and damages.

Whenever possible, you should try to document the scene of your crash with pictures and videos. This can include the extent of vehicle damage, any visible injuries and the overall environment where the accident occurred. Photographic evidence can be particularly useful since it offers a visual representation of the accident and damages.

Your lawyer will also make a point of collecting physical evidence from the crash site, including skid marks and debris. They’ll also seek out any security or traffic cameras that might have captured the accident, as these can be helpful when it comes to establishing liability.

Police reports are another piece of vital evidence, and your lawyer will work to get a copy of the officer’s report on your behalf. The police report will detail what witnesses said happened, the officer’s opinion as to who was at fault and other information that can help bolster your case for compensation.

Lastly, your lawyer may also encourage you to keep a diary of your experiences as the victim of a car accident. This can be an invaluable source of evidence because it will describe how your injuries have impacted your life and future. The more detailed your account, the better your lawyer will be able to prove that you deserve full and fair compensation for your losses.

If your case goes to trial, your attorney will present all relevant evidence in court, including medical records and eyewitness testimony. They’ll also cross-examine witnesses and offer legal arguments and objections on your behalf. In some cases, they might even use diagrams and other visual aids to clarify complex evidence and make it more compelling for the jury. Then, once they’ve presented all of their evidence, the jury will decide on a verdict. If they find in your favor, your lawyer will collect any owed damages from the at-fault driver.

They Negotiate on Your Behalf

The insurance company for the driver who hit you has a lot at stake in your case. In most cases, they will settle for less than you deserve. Having a lawyer on your side can make a big difference when it comes to the final settlement you receive.

A strong attorney will be able to build a stronger claim for you, and negotiate with the insurance company to make sure your claims are properly assessed and paid. They will take into account all of the ways the accident has impacted your life, including medical bills, future treatment costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Your attorney will also help you access and organize your medical records. They will need these to prove your injuries and their impact on your quality of life. It’s not always easy to get your hands on this information, even though you have a right to it. Health care providers are often busy, and sending records to patients or lawyers isn’t their top priority. Your lawyer will be able to make this their priority, which can save you time and hassle in the long run.

Most car accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means they don’t cost you anything upfront or out of pocket, and will only be paid once they have successfully secured a settlement for you. However, it’s important to ask about how they will handle your case, including the amount of time they’ll be spending on it, and whether they have associates handling some of the day-to-day tasks.

You want to choose an attorney who has extensive experience handling similar cases to yours, and will be able to take your case all the way through trial if necessary. You should also ask about their success rate, how many cases they typically handle at a time, and their assessment of your case. It’s also a good idea to ask how much knowledge they have of local court systems and judges, as this can be beneficial in your case. In addition to asking about their experience, you should also inquire about their fees and how they are calculated, including any case-related expenses.

They Help You File a Lawsuit

A successful car accident case requires the assistance of a skilled attorney who can file a legal complaint against the at-fault party. A lawyer can also help you build a claim for the damages that you’ve suffered, such as current and future medical treatment costs, lost wages from missing work, property damage, emotional impacts, and more.

When you hire an attorney, they will handle all communication with the insurance company on your behalf. This ensures that you don’t accidentally compromise your case by saying something the insurance company could use against you. Attorneys are also skilled negotiators, so they can get the best possible settlement for their clients. They are also well-versed in accident laws, so they can prevent the insurance company from undervaluing your claim.

If the negligent driver or another party is convicted of a crime related to your crash, they may be ordered by the court to pay you restitution. A Car Accident Lawyer can help you claim this compensation. They can also advise you about any uninsured motorist coverage that might be available under your own policy.

In addition to filing the appropriate paperwork, your attorney can gather and review all evidence in your case. They can also consult with medical professionals and accident reconstruction experts to build a strong case for your damages.

Whether you’re seeking damages for your physical, financial, or emotional losses, an experienced Car Accident Lawyer can help you recover the maximum amount of compensation possible. They have a track record of success and extensive experience handling car accidents of all types. They also offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, so they’re only paid if they win your case.

If you’re in a car accident, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical care. Even minor injuries can have hidden symptoms that worsen over time. It’s also important to report the incident to police as soon as possible so an official record exists. It’s also helpful for your case if you can document all of your expenses and the impact that your injuries have had on your life.

They Represent You in Court

Car accident lawyers help their clients recover compensation for damages caused by the negligent actions of another party. These losses can include medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and more. In addition, they can also include non-economic damages like pain and suffering. While law does not impose a legal requirement to hire an attorney for car accident cases, the best one will ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

In order to build a strong case for their client, car accident attorneys need to carefully analyze the evidence in the case. They review police reports, insurance policies, and medical records. They then establish a link between the defendant’s actions and the injuries their client has suffered to prove causation. They also consider factors like policy limits, insurance coverage, and comparative negligence laws when determining the value of a claim.

It is also important that car accident attorneys understand the ins and outs of the local court system. They can file the necessary paperwork, negotiate with insurers, and even take a case to trial when they need to. They are also able to assess the potential liability of multiple parties, including rideshare companies, sanitation and public transportation vehicles, corporations, government entities, and more.

While it is not required to hire an attorney for car accident cases, it is highly encouraged. The most reputable attorneys have the skills, resources, and track record to win for their clients. In addition, they offer free case evaluations and do not charge upfront fees. They can also provide references from former clients who have benefited from their services.

In addition, they have a deep understanding of the dynamic nature of litigation. This allows them to react quickly and effectively as challenges arise in the course of a case. Finally, they can use their extensive knowledge of insurance and tort laws to secure fair settlements for their clients. Choosing the right car accident lawyer can be difficult, but an experienced attorney will be able to help you navigate the process. They will also ensure that your case is filed within the statute of limitations and handle any procedural hurdles that may come up.